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Gamut - Alexander Grass Second Stage


Gamut Theatre

15 N 4th St, Harrisburg, PA


Gamut - Alexander Grass Second Stage

artist info

application status

no longer accepting applications


Located in Downtown Harrisburg, across from Strawberry Square and Harrisburg University. 

The Alexander Grass Second Stage has a small thrust that is raised with a small upper level and an optional screen available for multi-media needs.

Show ratings must be between G and PG-13. See Gamut's Specific Rating System.


  • Seating: 50 Seats

  • Tech Time: Up to 3 hours

  • Piano Rental Available: No

  • Backstage/Dressing Room: There is a small backstage. There is access to a dressing room with limited costume storage space.

  • ADA Accessible: Yes

Tech Available:

  • Audio Track/Sound Cue Capable

  • General Lighting

  • Projections/Video

  • Lighting and Sound Cue Script MUST be provided at your scheduled tech time.

Other Amenities:

  • Peggy's Pub is located in the lobby serving specialty drinks and light snacks. Revenue from the bar goes to the venue.

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